Brightening the Wedding Tables
An honor and privilege to be part of that special day. A Christmas time wedding with red and green reception tables and a crystal palm Unity candle to bring the future to the present.
Northwest CT has been home for many years. I had 4 years in Pittsburgh where I gathered many hats including web designer and computer geek. A brief stay outside of NY City and time spent moving up and down the east coast gathered more experience with various companies and awesome people. I have built useful software for businesses, coached startups and veteran owners on how to be better, sold custom scented candles, built walkways, grown amazing gardens, and am continuously learning. Back to my location roots, in 2020 I took on my most challenging, yet rewarding hat, as Dad. And so the hat I wear on a particular day, or even at a particular time, is dynamic, exciting, and inspirational. I am thankful to wear these hats well because real hats that go on my head look ridiculous on me.
As Ender Design, I design and develop sites, applications, and brands building functional personas. I also code some useful Nifty foo
Rare and exotic or commonplace. Keeping, propagating, and enjoying the plant world. (as seen above - refresh for more)
As Impruv I make life and business better. A situational and foundational coach focusing on systems, models, and psychology.
As Virtual~Sands I build and repair computers and servers, design networks, and implement security.
As Infusian I combine scent, science, and aesthetics to evoke memory and enhance experiences.
My most important role is Dad to a precocious, cheeky, and strategic son where I guide growth and sometimes just ride out the storm.
An honor and privilege to be part of that special day. A Christmas time wedding with red and green reception tables and a crystal palm Unity candle to bring the future to the present.
Some things change. Some things don't. Technology changes fast. Keeping current with updates is critical for security and optimal function.
The Path Hibiscus has bloomed but 6 at a time are the most I've seen on this plant. And remarkably, it decided to do this under grow lights in a basement.
Age 4 and awestruck by the fireworks on the 4th on 2024. Testing the sound volume and being safe with ear protection of course. Oooooo Ahhhhh but no ouch.
Why is a garden thing in with consulting? We only have 1440 minutes in a day. Find those things which are repetitive and can be automated (or delegated). Technology can help. With some setup, eliminate the time drain, keep the living things happy, eliminate the stress of needing to remember (and potentially forgetting), and eliminate the potential emotional drag of seeing your living things suffer.
Good News Digest - 1440That's what our client was told by other providers in the area. Do some research, take precautions before making changes, execute a plan to reconstruct data from an old database system that had been inaccessible for 3 months. Up and running again with a 24hr turn around and the client can continue business.
Original NoticeFrom cockpits, to engines, to space suits. It was a good trip, and thank you Craig for guiding us and giving us access to 3 cockpits and a helicopter.
New England Air MuseumIt happens but once. And it was upon us so fast. He's 4.
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